The average house price on SHENSTONE HILL is £1,887,306
The most expensive house in the street is MARCHBANK SHENSTONE HILL with an estimated value of £2,399,615
The cheapest house in the street is FARNDALE SHENSTONE HILL with an estimated value of £1,475,531
The house which was most recently sold was PENTLE HOUSE SHENSTONE HILL, this sold on 16 Feb 2018 for £1,270,000
The postcode for SHENSTONE HILL is HP4 2PA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
ARCADIA SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,851,429 £1,450,000 15 Sep 2017
ASHRIDGE, 4 SHENSTONE HILL Detached £2,185,533 £1,175,000 13 Feb 2009
CARMEL SHENSTONE HILL Detached £2,123,824 £650,000 19 Oct 2001
FARNDALE SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,475,531 £260,000 12 Apr 1996
HIGHFIELDS SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,979,925 £345,000 20 Oct 1995
MARCHBANK SHENSTONE HILL Detached £2,399,615 £455,000 27 Mar 1997
MERRYBELLE SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,738,598 £1,100,000 16 Aug 2007
ORCHARD COTTAGE SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,495,017 £980,000 29 Aug 2014
PENTLE HOUSE SHENSTONE HILL Detached £1,598,561 £1,270,000 16 Feb 2018
RAFFLES RIGG SHENSTONE HILL Detached £2,025,031 £399,000 28 Aug 1997